Thursday, July 18, 2013

New Local Republican PAC Announces First Fundraiser

NewMassPlaybook PAC to Hold Fundraiser July 25th in Malden, MA


BOSTON - - A newly formed political action committee announced Wednesday that it will be holding its first fundraising event.  NewMassPlaybook PAC, formed recently by local Republican political activists from across Massachusetts, will hold its first fundraiser on Thursday, July 25th in Malden at the Exchange Street Bistro from 6:30-8:30pm.  

The goal of the first fundraiser will be to introduce the PAC’s mission and begin raising money.  The PAC’s mission is to ensure that quality, Massachusetts Republican Candidates have the resources they need to succeed and outreach in different urban areas of the Commonwealth. The PAC will also look to assist conservative candidates in competing in untapped, urban areas to identify more support among voters, and give the State Party an opportunity to win more municipalities. 

“We’re looking forward to introducing the PAC and its unique mission to the public,” said Dean Cavaretta, the PAC’s Chairman and the 2012 Republican Candidate for State Senate in the Middlesex and Worcester District.  “With several local elections scheduled for this fall and then the 2014 statewide election, we believe we can have an immediate impact on restoring two-party balance to the Commonwealth. And, we believe it starts locally, from the ground up.”

The PAC is inspired by the principles in the NewMassPlaybook,, written by David D’Arcangelo who is not involved with the PAC due to Massachusetts Campaign Laws. The new ‘playbook’ suggestions include proposing a formula for how the Massachusetts Republican Party should fund candidates for various offices. 

Another proposal suggests the party increase outreach to urban voters by assisting municipal or legislative candidates running locally.  As an implementation of the ‘playbook,’ NewMassPlaybook PAC will look to inform urban voters of classic conservative principles like smaller government, lower taxes, and school choice. 

To learn more information about the event, call 978-310-1245 and find out more about NewMassPlaybook PAC by following the effort on Twitter: @NewMassPlaybook   

NMP Mission Statement
“NewMassPlaybook PAC ensures that quality, MA Republican Candidates have the resources they need to succeed and outreach in different urban areas of the Commonwealth. We compete in untapped, urban areas to identify more conservative voters to win new municipalities or minimize the Party's losses in the cities.”
Donate to NMP PAC